Thursday, June 6, 2013

Oh, what a beautiful morning...

Unbelievably perfect. Yep, that's the weather I woke up to, today!  My rat terrier is sunning himself, and my shepherd mix is busy, looking for squirrels and rabbits to chase around our large backyard.  Very nice, indeed!

When creating any type of art, natural light is desirable, especially bright sunlight.  Painters, throughout the millennium, have taken advantage of this lovely gift of nature, by taking their easels outside.  This is called "plein air" painting.  Although I've never had a freestanding easel to take outdoors, I do enjoy sitting on the back porch, at my table, creating my little heart out. ;).  Last summer was the first summer, in my entire adult life, that I wasn't working.  The irony was, that the amount of sunlight was abundant... but the temperatures were in the high 90's and 100+ every day!  Personally, I prefer Spring, Autumn and even Winter, to the excessive heat and humidity of Southern Illinois summers!!!

This tulip is bright and radiant and it was fun to paint!  I got my reference photo while browsing Pinterest.  Many of my favorite nature photos are found on the internet.  But, some of my best sources of inspiration come from my husband's photography and various books/magazines and catalogues.  Recently, I've looked through my grand dad's drawings and paintings of his homeland, England. There are two that were inspired by his work, which I'm featuring here.  I painted both of then on 4x5 watercolor cards.  Hmm, I think I'll look for some more to work from...Cya later!

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